Puyallup Area Kids!
NiksPiks Giveaway!
So this winter I am giving away a few sittings for free or deeply discounted rates. The winners the photo session AND receive a CD or DVD full of print-ready images to use at their discretion. I will be using these images to build my portfolio in certain areas, gain experience in a certain genre, and indulge in some new exciting skills I am eager to try out!
To sign up please answer the following questions in a comment or email them to me at design.nikspiks@gmail.com
Newborn Session: 2-4 hour session, FREE. Baby must be less than 9 days old, due date must occur before February 28th. Email me: mother's name, email, due date, contact information and location. TWO SESSIONS AVAILABLE. This session is valued at $300!
Wedding Package: one entire wedding package completely free. Bride and Groom must have a modern and unique style. Winner will be chosen based on compatibility - my style and yours! Email me: bride & groom's names, wedding date, location, contact information. Add pictures or descriptions of your unique style! This is approximately a $2500 value!
Don't forget that custom Holiday photo cards are still available. Email me your photo and card style choice, I set it all up and email you the final version. You use as you wish, only $15! This is a $50 value, so act soon!
Bathtime Pictures
My sister and her little girls came to visit, but it was so quick that we nearly ran out of time to take any pictures at all!
But while all the kids (5!) were all occupied in the tub, I rigged up some fabric in my bedroom, rounded up a bunch of lamps and voila! A quick little studio!
So please enjoy a few pictures of my kids and my nieces.
Each one was shown how to do the exact same pose, but of course each one has their own personal spin on it. :)
Little Taryn was determined to get away from me!
Holiday Card Samplers
The Savvy Photographer
You will be glad you did!!
Fall Colors, Fall Family
beautiful fall family
Backyards and Pictures
We forced a few smiles! Two kids were willing (although one needed motivating) and the other one ran off as soon as possible. Don't worry, he didn't leave the yard!
Nina really did enjoy it once we got started!
Will can be such a ham. And he loves his daddy so much!
More pics will be on Facebook and Flickr.