
Bathtime Pictures

I love bathtime! Part if it is because that means that bedtime is right around the corner. But really, I do love the smell of baby shampoo, of a clean child, and the slightly damp hugs aren't a downside either!
My sister and her little girls came to visit, but it was so quick that we nearly ran out of time to take any pictures at all!
But while all the kids (5!) were all occupied in the tub, I rigged up some fabric in my bedroom, rounded up a bunch of lamps and voila! A quick little studio!
So please enjoy a few pictures of my kids and my nieces.
Each one was shown how to do the exact same pose, but of course each one has their own personal spin on it. :)

Little Taryn was determined to get away from me!

Will wanted Pajama Pictures as well as bathtime...

Nina actually did the pose I asked her to....

Havana had a blast just taking pictures.

Will always goes the extra mile!

AJ isn't sure what to do, but he enjoyed showing off his muscles!

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