
Bathtime Pictures

I love bathtime! Part if it is because that means that bedtime is right around the corner. But really, I do love the smell of baby shampoo, of a clean child, and the slightly damp hugs aren't a downside either!
My sister and her little girls came to visit, but it was so quick that we nearly ran out of time to take any pictures at all!
But while all the kids (5!) were all occupied in the tub, I rigged up some fabric in my bedroom, rounded up a bunch of lamps and voila! A quick little studio!
So please enjoy a few pictures of my kids and my nieces.
Each one was shown how to do the exact same pose, but of course each one has their own personal spin on it. :)

Little Taryn was determined to get away from me!

Will wanted Pajama Pictures as well as bathtime...

Nina actually did the pose I asked her to....

Havana had a blast just taking pictures.

Will always goes the extra mile!

AJ isn't sure what to do, but he enjoyed showing off his muscles!


Holiday Card Samplers

For years I have begun thinking about Christmas cards in October!
Probably since we first got married and needed to spread the joy of not only our first Christmas but also expecting our first child. And each year it is a small challenge to find a great card style that also suits our personality.
Thanks to Shabby Princess this has become a lot easier!
A while ago I began dabbling in digital scrapbooking and fell in love with the backgrounds and scrap elements at Shabby Princess. Last year I discovered they also create holiday card layouts that are easily customized!
So please bear with me as I enjoy and try out a few layouts from this brand new collection!
These are merely samples, none of these are commissioned or paid work. All word art and verbage is unique to the customer.
Seriously, what other picture fits that saying??

This green one is also available in red, blue or black.
The word art "joy" is completely optional.

This circular layout is adorable. And the words can be changed of course!

My own family!

Another great layout that works with three kids!


The Savvy Photographer

I'd seen this name for a while, but hadn't bothered to check the link..... So be smart the first time and click on it!!
You will be glad you did!!


Fall Colors, Fall Family

This sweet little family brought the good weather and color with them!

Sunny skies, sunny smiles....
well, almost all the time.....

Little D was a wonderful smiler and very playful for most of our session.

The whole family just eeks of love and compassion,
it's warming just to be around them.

Even in grey. :)
Thanks for coming out that day Tonia, even if the location was hard to find!!

beautiful fall family

Living in western Washington is fraught with peril sometimes!!
Just kidding, but the weather is always an issue.
We got lucky and moved this session a week earlier and the sky was gorgeous!
Well, the kids are gorgeous too!

And that isn't photoshop, their eyes really are that beautiful!

Chris and Shelly and their lovely family.

Aren't they great? They're cute in any pose!

The lovely couple....


Backyards and Pictures

Every one's backyard is very different. Some are gorgeous gardens, overflowing with different types of flowers and foliage. Others are a place to rest after a long day, or perhaps have friends join for dinner. Ours is a haven for children. Toys and balls of various sizes! A plastic play structure, plenty of grass and one small wooden picnic table. It is functional and fun!
My mom was asking when we were going to do family pictures again. Admittedly, I spend so much time working with other families and children, my own are often neglected in the picture department! Last year I pulled off my first Three Kid Challenge - my own little hooligans! It made the Christmas card! I set up the tripod, set the camera's settings, rounded up children and my mom's help. David made sure no toy-clutter was visible to the camera.

We forced a few smiles! Two kids were willing (although one needed motivating) and the other one ran off as soon as possible. Don't worry, he didn't leave the yard!

Yes, the entire family has Seahawks jerseys. Nina's is pink and she complained it was too cold for just the shirt. I believe her, since I had tried to talk her into an undershirt in the first place!

Nina really did enjoy it once we got started!

Will can be such a ham. And he loves his daddy so much!

My mom was the perfect smile-maker! She put a shoe on her head and threatened to let it fall off. AJ was mesmerized!

Well, not at the beginning. But he did cooperate just enough.
More pics will be on Facebook and Flickr.
It often amazes me at what can get done in 20 minutes, while other times it can take an hour.
So thanks to my mom for being the shutter button AND the smile maker!
Thanks to David for cleaning up the yard on very short notice!
And thanks to my sweet kids for going along with mommy & grandma's sudden urge!

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